Finding that Perfect Leadership Keynote Speaker

If you have been looking for the perfect leadership keynote speaker for your next event and evaluating the highs and lows, then you are not alone. It may seem easy but finding the right keynote speaker for an event is an extremely crucial job as it can have either positive or negative effect on the organization for years. It is no doubt a time-consuming and stressful job to vet a leadership keynote speaker as the process includes a number of meetings, legalities and much more. Although it is a bit of a hassle, it is essential and it is important to find the right  speaker to have a great event.

From former presidents, to news anchors to many reputed speakers, there are plenty of options to choose from. But the daunting challenge is to find that one leadership keynote speaker for your event. Will the speaker be able to convey your message in a way that your audiences will identify with it? Does the speaker have the reputation to draw a larger crowd? Will the speaker cover a timely topic? Then take a look at the following three tips to find that perfect leadership keynote speaker for your event:

Covering the Timely Topic

With lots of events happening today, there are a lot of things in the news, which can be extremely polarizing. For narrowing down the scope, you need to focus on the trending topics that are your industry and your organization specific. Again, today’s newsworthy topic may not be that trending by the time your event rolls around. Instead of going for the most splashy topic of today, you should stay up to date with business leaders, statesman and civic leaders for covering the relevant and timely topics. It is the first step but then wait…

Get a Big Name (Only If You Can Afford)

It is obvious that the bigger the name, the bigger will be their charge. But speaking practically, having a reputed and well-known leadership keynote speaker will help you draw audiences, keep them engaged and drive sponsorship to your event. Isn’t that a worthy investment? Speakers with whom people are familiar, can connect to their stories of success well. Additionally, you can host a tagging contest on social media  to make your attendees have a good interaction with your brand and the event.

Always Have a Plan B

Many uncertainties may occur like missed flights, contract negotiations fall through and other things that can have a negative impact on your event and organization. Therefore, you must keep backups in mind so that  you can reach at the last moment, in case your first choice doesn’t work out.

Remember, choosing the right leadership keynote speaker for your event can set the right tone and attract more audiences.


Mike at Michael Gregory Consulting, LLC has a good reputation as a leadership keynote speaker globally. He can set the right tone for your event and make it a successful one. For more information visit